The first ten rounds of the Allsvenskan season and the first eight rounds of Superettan were summarized today at a follow-up meeting with the government.
“We are very pleased with how the season has been conducted so far, and we conveyed this to the government representatives. Everyone involved has taken great responsibility to ensure it has been like this, and I want to emphasize the importance of the good dialogue and cooperation between all parties, and hope it can continue in the same spirit,” says Johan Lindvall, Secretary General of Swedish Professional Football Leagues.

This was the fourth meeting in a year on the theme of safety at football matches. From the government, Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) and Minister of Sports Jakob Forssmed (Kd) participated. Swedish Professional Football Leagues was represented by Secretary General Johan Lindvall, Head of Security Per Eliasson, and Head of Communications Robert Johansson. Other participants included representatives from the Swedish Football Association, the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF), the Swedish Football Supporters Union (SFSU), Stockholm Live, and the police and prosecutor’s office.

“Even though there are many matches left this season and there are always things to work on and improve, we can state this spring that there may have been too much focus on disturbances previously, but now the focus is where it should be, on the football. All actors in and around elite football have taken their responsibility to create a positive environment around our leagues. The clubs and everyone involved are doing a great job following the directives, while the spectators in the stands have ensured the focus is on fantastic tifos and a great atmosphere. I feel that all meeting participants agree on this,” says Johan Lindvall.

In addition to the current situation, Swedish Professional Football Leagues specifically highlighted at the meeting the continued focus on the exclusion strategy and the fact that the use of pyrotechnics has not decreased but remains at the same levels as previous years. However, football continues to work long-term, structurally, and in dialogue to reduce its use.

“We note that the order situation has been the best in many years, with significantly fewer disturbances at match events in Allsvenskan and Superettan. We really want to emphasize the responsibility that all supporters and all organizers have taken to make it this way, which we have also communicated previously. These meetings with the government are important for the consensus that now exists. There are many matches left to play this season, and we believe and hope that everything continues on this path, but the work with safe, secure, and welcoming events continues regardless,” says Johan Lindvall.